Ostrvo drhtaja srca mog je daleko. Predeli mojih snova su okovani ledom. Klizam se niz glečer i posmatram senke koje promiču. Ponekad u magnovenju ugledam lik. Jednom je to prijatelj, nekad je devojka, vidim i boginju.
Moja boginja je crvena i kruni se. Vidim njene oči u komadićima koji padaju na zemlju kao krupne pahulje.
Ležimo na podu, utonuli u gusto tkanje prostirke. Šćućureni smo u kolibi kao da smo pile koje dete pažljivo drži u sklopljenim šakama. Greje nas vatra iz zidanog kamina. Plamen je postojan, gori kao da obavlja državnički posao.
Fotografije se ređaju ispred mojih očiju. Kao dokazi. Sa njih me gleda tvoj lik. Prepoznajem, prepoznajem lice, jagodice, kosu, oči, ramena, grudi, stas. Ti me ne poznaješ, ali ja tebe znam. Sreli smo se jednom u snu.
Gorim. Vrelim rukama prelazim preko tvojih leđa. Milujem kožu nežnu kao malada voćka. Spuštam prste u teglu džema od kajsija. Mažem donji deo leđa, vučem naviše, ostavljam trag uz kičmu i stižem do nežnog vrata.
Zašto džem od kajsija? Ne znam da je to tvoj omiljeni ukus. Znam samo da je to boja moje boginje, boja tvoje kose. Ti si pahulja, odblesak božanskog.
Pod mojim prstima nastaje tanak namaz koji se pretvara u sirup. Njenoj bledoj koži džem daje bronzani ten. Obavijam je vrelinom i mirišem njenu kosu. Naravno, sa ukusom kajsije. Muzika od uzdaha širi se oko nas. Vozim jezik preko njenih leđa. Jedem kolač svojih snova.
Da li sam dodirnuo tvoje grudi? Da li sam milovao trešnjice? Da li sam spustio svoje telo preko tvoga? Da li sam ti prišao otpozadi? Da li smo zajedno kriknuli?
Island of the tremble of my heart is far away. Scenery of my dream is locked in ice. Skating down the glacier I see shadows passing by. Sometimes in a flash I see silhouettes, image of a friend, portrait of a girl, shape of my goddess.
My goddess is red and crumbling. Glimpse of her eyes I see in pieces that fall on the earth like large snowflakes.
Comfortably snuggled, we lay on thick woolen carpet. We are huddled in a shack as if we are a chicken carried carefully by the kid's clasped hands. Fireplace warms the place. Flame is steady, burns solemnly.
Photographs flash before my eyes. Like the evidence. Your face watches me from the photos. I recognize you, I know that face, cheekbones, hair, eyes, shoulders, bosom, shape. You don't know me, but I know you. We've met once upon a dream.
I'm burning. My warm hands flow across her back. I caress skin soft as a fresh fruit. I sink my fingers in the apricot jam jar. Thick layer spreads upwards, leaving trail along her spine, reaching tender neck.
Why the apricots jam? I didn't know it's your favorite. I just know that it's the color of my goddess, the color of your hair. You are a snowflake, a flash of divine.
Under my fingertips, thin coat of jam turns to syrup. Her pale skin tans to a bronzed color. Enveloping her with my heat, I sense the scent of her hair. Of course, it tastes of apricots. Music of sighs radiates from us. I drive my tongue across her back. I eat my dreampie.
Did I touch your breasts? Did I caress the cherries? Did I press my body against yours? Did I come from behind? Did we scream together?
No. But it wasn't just a dream. It was a portent. A wink from the goddess…
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